District Administration

Superintendent's Welcome
My name is Jason Waddell and it is an honor to serve the Susanville community as Superintendent of the Susanville School District. Our students are fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the State of California and be supported by a community that takes pride in the education and well-being of our students.
Our staff at each of the schools in the district consist of caring, passionate educators that work hard to help our students, parents and their peers become active learners in an ever-changing world. Today, more than ever, education has become a means to open doors around the entire planet and we endeavor to provide our students with an education that will help them become good citizens in a global community.
I would like to invite you to join us in our efforts to create incredible learning environments where students flourish academically, grow socially and emotionally and learn to become life-long learners prepared to interact and persevere in the 21st Century. Please join us as members of the Parent Teachers Association, Site Council Representative, English Learner & Native American Councils or simply volunteers wanting to help make a difference in our schools. Our schools are more successful when the parents in our community are active participants devoted to supporting student learning at all levels. Check with your local school offices to inquire how to support our kids!